aku ke yang bodoh?!
arini aku jmpe DIA..hurmmm as we said dis is the last time we meet..i dun even remember either this is the 2nd or the 3rd time of promises done by us..aku xtaw la nape ble time aku dh kuat skit he will come to me back..mmg aku syg DIA!!tp aku just bole luahkan mende ni je tp aku mmg xkan dpt pape makna langsung dr ape yg aku ckp kt DIA!!nape kite xleh besama??aku xpenah wat salah kt DIA n aku jage DIA sebaik yg mungkin..alasan DIA mmg sgt2 tipis tok yakinkan aku..even DIA suh aku kol mak DIA for da confirmation but wut for??everything already been prepared!!aku tanak jd manusia yg org akan cemuh smpai aku mati..mmg aku menanggung sorang mende ni..maybe ayat DIA"bole carik laki lain" senang je kua dr mlt DIA..tp mende ni bekait ngan ati n prasaan..aku xpenah kenal laki lain since aku kenal ngan DIA but at last DIA pilih org lain tok diri DIA..hurmm supposely aku dh leh accept mende2 ni sume tp hakikatnye i still think of u..cinta xbole dipaksa..it is true??i dun think sooo coz for u it is easy to be with her eventhough DIA kate she is ur mom decision!!aku xtau ape kekurangan aku kt family DIA..dlu sume ok je n kite pun siap dh promise mcm2 for da future..but now yg merana nye aku..ITS WAS ME!!sumpah aku xlrt nak tanggung sume ni..honestly he is everything for me but now i get nothing from him..plizzz get me out from dis situation..aku dh xlrt!!but aku betol2 cintakan DIA n aku tau ape yg aku wat ni slh..kalo aku bole pusing balik masa......to DIA: i really love u for da entire of my life..tp i will never forgive u..dats sound cruel but org yg rase xkan same ngan org yg mendengar kan??i need a time to forgive u..pliz dun blame me on dat because all dis things will never happened if u dun start it at 1st..just 1 thing..dun forget me eventhough u will be sum1 husband at 13th march 2010..lov n miss u always..
heheh yup....he will not understand...